CME-LIMS addresses the challenges of running an efficient laboratory. Many Forensic Laboratories invest in a Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) to manage the vast amount of data that is generated and to help coordinate workflow across the lab. There are many LIMS providers from whom to choose. Like the others, our solution allows laboratories to manage complex processes which will assist in a quicker turn-around time, giving the lab a quality reputation that will distinguish it from other labs, while managing their cases. A monumental key difference is that our CME-LIMS can be integrated with our CME system should that be applicable to your needs. If integration is not a requirement, you still have the benefit of our expertise in designing every aspect of the CME-LIMS to your specifications. Furthermore, CME-LIMS is designed to meet the changing requirements of the modern laboratory and can be enhanced as these requirements change (which is happening at an ever increasing rate). CME-LIMS even provides you the option to manage and/or modify your system in the way that is most beneficial to you and your clients! No need to conform your lab processes to any standards except the standards you create. CME-LIMS accommodates expanding the system as your needs change. With CME-LIMS, you have true flexibility and instant adaptability because you can implement your own customization, saving your organization substantial time and money.